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An extraordinary presidential election 2016 exposed American
mainstream media ( #MSM) as
mostly liberal and extremely dangerous. Liberal Democrat leaders openly planted
seeds of hate and violence against our unstoppable 45th President Donald J. Trump with their Neoliberal followers and
paid thugs amplified by the MSM. Along with their MSM partners in crime
against humanity, liberal demagogues fanned flames of war with Russia before
the general election. After the election again with MSM help, a despicable lame-duck president tried desperately
to flip the Electors with more intelligence-insulting Russia
narrative. Finally, the now infamous ex-president tried with his Intel agencies
to rest or blackmail the presidency away from a president-elect voted in by an
overwhelming majority.
Against incredible odds an American Champion is born. Our new American President takes office an extraordinary man fated to bring on a global renaissance. Here then are my top 8 ways in which our new President may neuter a dangerous mostly liberal media creating a New America on an epic journey to save our world.
1. Create regulation preventing foreign
ownership of major media of any type. Call it the New York Times Rule.
2. Cut the budget in half for the CIA. I
sense they are connected to the MSM and can do whatever it is that they do with
half the money as we know they could not stop Russia from hacking American
secrets. Intel agencies obviously have had too much time and money on their
hands for far too long. Bureaucrats are probably scared of the scum.
3. Treason Trials: Rather like Nuremburg at this point
we would expect perhaps with greater spectacle. Let the trials begin; Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, CNN, NBC, perhaps others should see
the business end of the Patriot
Act along with Intel Chiefs.
Or, perhaps Intel Chiefs need to disappear quietly. Actually, Obama needs to
face voter fraud investigation and prosecution first. At any rate, the FCC should revoke a few licenses and our
world shall not suffer one bit if an entity like CNN would disappear altogether
from virtual cognizance. Let me remind you that in one of the Wikileaks emails Mrs. Clinton referred to MSM as
"our media." Treason Trials featuring media monsters sends
4. Create a federal government version of Twitter. Free from
censorship of monsters, it can be paid for with the same types of advertisers
Twitter uses (or leftover CIA money). There can also be business accounts that require fees.
Name this new virtual entity Klangers after the idea's mother; Kristen Klang.
5. Let us take Klangers further and create a
federal government television or cable network. We know Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter were all
censored during the past election. Equivalent government created media could be
paid for by taxes on MSM. Los Angles at one time provided Public Access Cable TV where the
public could have a free cable TV show of just about whatever they wanted to
produce. Requirements were to take a class Time Warner provided for free. I see this
new government-created public media network starting small but growing to
stations in every state. Short of creating government-owned public media, most
of us under the circumstances would be alright if you nationalized a couple of
liberal outlets already in place like CNN, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
6. Bleeding Hearts Tax: Tax television, film, and all media for
each act of violence broadcast. It should easily pay for Klangers, new
public television network, and Trumpcare. The violence is related but have to
claim laziness (lingering Obama Effect) here in not providing support. Trust
me... I'm not a politician. Furthermore, taxing media for each portrayal of
violence against women would truly make our new President a King of Kings!
7. Humility Tax: To be a celebrity in our world comes
with great responsibility. Stardom gives such people an audience and
stages the average American does not own to voice opinions. Stardom requires
humility equal to the stardom. Owners of the system that pays stars quite
often strips away humility, integrity, and common sense. Celebs become
spiritually impotent and dangerous to humanity. You cannot tax
pretentious celebrities for being vapid. So then, tax their platforms for
contaminating our world with pretense. Each time a celebrity voices an
opinion that can be tied to or against a political party on any media, tax that
media venue by virtue of number of employees or some other standard. Or,
media must offer same length of broadcast coverage to an opposing viewpoint
whether entertainment or news.
8. As President
Ronald Reagan broke up Ma
Bell, President Trump shall break up the Mainstream Media Menace to Society. No
good could ever come from Disney buying ESPN.
Use the Patriot Act, use uncanny intuition, use words of Malcolm X by any means necessary as a majority of all who voted for
Donald Trump would like to see public executions on this matter. Break up the
monsters! Neutralize American mainstream media and save our world.
It shall not be easy and you must incorporate safeguards to
prevent an evil government from taking advantage of public media networks in
the future. Nevertheless, there appears to be a #TrumpEffect taking place in
our new world exposing and taking down human road-blocks to a utopian
May the force of reason be with you.
Wikileaks: Journalist Dined at Top Clinton Staffer's Home Days before Hillary's Campaign LaunchMainstream Media, Washington's Group Think, and the Danger of Demonization
Dangerous Idiots: How the mainstream media elite failed working class Americans
Where Humanity Finds Salvation
Mystics Awaken Spiritual Warrior