An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it is also more nourishing.
—H.L. Mencken
According to Elephrame, "encyclopedia of ideas", well over 5,678 President Donald Trump resistance protests and other demonstrations have been held at the time of this writing. As many of us eternals, skeptics, and observers on this planet have noted, protests are what Liberal Democrats seem to do best. Lord of the Deal garners deep-seeded fear in globalist puppet masters who pull the strings of mainstream media and government. So then, now America gets non-stop mental conditioning from all media venues triggering easily manipulated young liberals into bizarre episodes of protest and radical behavior. Some more funny than relevant and others more dangerous than bizarre, but all acts listed here deserve their safe space in history forever memorialized for cultural posterity despite the censorship of the very super geeks who make it possible here in virtual space.
While grading TDS behavior between liberals for this post is completely subjective, I am awarded poetic license just for such tenuous jobs. Readers should not try this at home for fear of developing PTSD causing stretch marks on the limits of imagination and serious irritation to the Femoral Humorous bone.
Rating as the quintessential TDS episode speaking to inherent psychosis in all unhinged leftist behavior since then, it is a reaction to Trump being sworn in as POTUS 45. One suspects all Trump fans are familiar with this pic and get a chuckle every time it is presented. Pictures replace a thousand words here presenting brilliantly how liberal progressivism prepares children for reality. Astoundingly, liberals want the world to listen to children lecture on gun control and climate change. Liberals even let their children decide what gender they wish to be.😲 Identified later as, Jessica Starr, Deplorables will never get enough of Jessica.19) Pussy Hat Project— A Pussyhat now resides in the Rapid Response collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the permanent collection of Michigan State University’s museum, and other collections as an important piece of feminist history. 😮😮😮
Feminists Are Ditching ‘Pussyhats’ Because They’re Racist and Transphobic... Yeah, probably... More important are the unanswered questions explaining how anyone could ever imagine how pussy hats would be a good idea or taken seriously. I have said that it appears liberal ideology destroys the capacity for shame. Lacking certain emotions is what defines a psychotic. Humans come with emotions built-in for good reasons and it is insanity to institutionalize avoiding emotions for sake of subjective cultural relativity or delusion. Results of a philosophy highlighted by encouraging non-judgmental thinking, participation awards, and diversity over achievement are in and it looks like a pussy hat.
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Pussy Hat creators, Jayna and Krista |
18) Hilariously Unhinged— Midge told TheBlaze that the anti-Trump and leftist protesters at the rally "claimed that they were there to 'smash fascism,'" and insisted that "all Trump supporters were 'fascists'" with no right to free speech.
The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”
― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
17) Queer Dance Party— WERK for Peace, a queer-based grassroots organization founded after the Pulse nightclub shootings in Orlando, threw the party outside Pence’s house in Maryland in protest of his previous anti-LGBTQ positions.
Existential emptiness must be filled with activity or intellectual escape. Alcoholism, drug addiction, dangerous hobbies are just a few ways to runaway from yourself. Alas, everywhere you go, there you are. Filling the spiritual void in such a manner is but an illusion. Escape is temporary and not without a cost that continues to mount. While hedonism is not specific to the LGBTQ community, it does appear they need no reason to throw a party or parade.16) #SexStrike— Not a film starring, Alyssa Milano but an actual idea from her to protest GOP restrictions on abortion. Still funny, but it is indicative of a problem Milano has in her inner circle that someone would allow her to offer such an idea to the public without thoughtful criticism. What kind of husband would allow his wife to propagate a national sex strike where women stop having sex with their husbands and boyfriends?😦😦😦 Unfortunately, seems Alyssa married a Hollywood agent. Though the idea quickly died, #SexStrike did not protest Trump but one must believe roots of such an idea sprang from the bosom of raging TDS as Miss Milano has had a few episodes. Alyssa means well and struggles to find herself having grown up in an industry built on pretense and now surrounded by pretentious liberalism.
😣 Please, pray for her.
15) Robert DeNiro Meltdown— While introducing Meryl Streep at the National Board of Review gala, actor Robert De Niro used his time onstage to go on a profanity-laced rant about President Trump.
Fact; more pedophiles and child sex-traffickers have been arrested under the Trump presidency than any other in history. Democrats and certain Republicans have feared the entrance of Trump into politics for years as #Spygate of the Obama regime proves along with other growing evidence. DeNiro owns strong connections to now infamous super pedo-sex predators, Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein so perhaps he protests a bit much.14) Dividing Shia LaBeouf— An anti-Donald Trump art protest led by actor Shia LaBeouf, which moved to Liverpool after being forced out of the US, has been shut down after one day.
Art is anything liberals say it is but good. Shia was a cute child actor but the cuteness quickly wears off in adulthood where reality can be an unforgiving teacher. Apparently, his commitment to Trump protesting was not so strong as we have not heard from him since his second arrest. Probably lurking in the dark somewhere plotting his next best performance, let us hope for his sake it is at least legal. Interesting that celebrities promoting open borders and condemning Trumps border wall ALL have walls or fences around their many mansions. There is absolutely no difference between border walls and property fences. America has always had a fence or wall in some places along the southern border. It just needs an upgrade and that is the essence of Trump's border wall. There is simply no sane argument against it.13) Shut Up and Dribble!— LeBron James might just be a frontrunner should fools seek to elect a king. LeBron only finds it advantageous to speak out against social injustice when it is in his interests. People of China do not rate the social justice warrior voice of LeBron as Beijing told him to shut up and dribble or your movie production company will be shut out. Like a good little perverse liberal hypocrite, LeBron proceeded to shut up about the oppressed of China. Laura Ingraham tried to help LeBron regarding his over-the-top profanity-laced video (why he is listed here) smearing Trump but the joke was lost on a grandiose over-inflated egomaniac. King James could not be playing for a better bizarro liberal NBA franchise to make a SJW fool of himself than the Los Angeles Lakers. Since death of the patriarch, Jerry Buss, Lakers highlight a bizarro city. LeBron voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and campaigned for her in his home state of Ohio. Citizens of the Buckeye state repaid his learned endorsement by voting overwhelmingly for Trump.😳
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him... The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
—Will Rogers
12) Walls; The Propaganda Album—But this flagship single, for her full-length album Walls, primarily exhibits the Trump Derangement Syndrome that afflicts know-it-all showbiz types from Katy Perry to Bruce Springsteen to Pharrell, making them behave moronically. Walls finds Streisand in a privileged position, preaching from the high tower of self-involved, high-minded people who have had their worldview shaken by democracy itself — the will of an electorate that dares to differ from Streisand’s own high-flown preferences.
Barbra Streisand's bizarre attempt at expressing her Trump angst through music and quotes lately speak to the abject failure of psychiatry and psychology professions. With all her great fame and wealth, Streisand cannot find solace, mental or spiritual. It begs a question; just what does James Brolin do in that marriage besides paint her toenails? Babs remains a riveting living example of how money and fame cannot buy happiness. 11) Dog-Walking White Men— Art collective Indecline dressed white men up as Trump supporters and "dog walked" them through Hollywood.
Significant elements of liberal ideology can be explained by Relativism; a demented belief that life is relative. Gender is relative and can be anything you wish it be. Intelligence is relative and even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can be brilliant. Poetry is relative and we see no more great Poets like, Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson. Art is relative and anyone can be a brilliant artist. This is how you get chimps who paint pictures worth millions of dollars. There was a time when liberals/feminists tried to eradicate beauty making it relative by stopping beauty contests. Liberals have been largely successful in our world rocketing humanity to the brink of extinction. President Donald Trump arrives blessed as first step to save humanity from anti-human delusions.💜10) Rage Against the Regime!— NYC protesters scream at the sky to mark year since Trump's election.
It certainly appears that our poster child for TDS, Jessica Starr has indeed inspired a movement. Feeble as it may be, a few people now will probably gather each year to commemorate one of the greatest moments in American history and languish in stark raving psychosis. Deplorables are loving it! Reflection and self-examination must also find diminished responsibilities in the liberal lifespan. Or, are non-productive activities an end to themselves for leftists? Obama inspired Conservatives to create The Tea Party. Trump inspires leftists to engage raving psychosis. Whom would you rather have as next door neighbor? 😏😏😏
9) DERANGED: TEXAS COUNCILWOMAN— CHARGED FOR VERBALLY ATTACKING TEENAGE GIRL IN TRUMP SHIRT.”-- “We accepted her apology,” the father said, adding “I would be just as angry if any parent said this to my child but as an elected official I’ll let her voters handle this matter.”
Among these many blog posts you will find another list of TDS-type episodes chronicling those most creepy. There should be and probably is another list somewhere chronicling TDS attacks, verbal, physical, and property. Liberals openly attack Trump love thanks to a lame-ass Republican Congress and two different lame-ass Attorney Generals. Be that as it may, many liberal politicians are carriers of TDS and attempt to spread unhinged hate to feral sheep.😡 Other lower tier politicians simply are closer to feral sheep than they think. Though usually more calculated, there should also be a separate TDS list for politicians.
8) Hang in There, Greenpeace!— Nearly a dozen Greenpeace protesters were arrested after hanging from the Fred Hartman bridge in Houston and forcing the closure of part of the Houston Ship Channel Thursday while taking on President Donald Trump and the oil industry.
Thinking many of us get Greenpeace confused with The Green Party of the U.S. Why neither liberal institution can leave a lasting positive impression on more Americans is telling. Unfortunately, the story told is lost on the people who make up the greenies. If we cannot learn from our past, we may be doomed to repeat it. ✌
7) College Meltdown— “We are aware of a video circulating on social media where an individual appears to be making threats,” said the police department. “We are working with the University to address the matter.”
You ain't nothin' without yo homeboys. —Tupac
Perhaps this is the male version of our poster child, the inauguration screamer. This must be that toxic masculinity feminism complains about ad nauseam. Interesting, one would think liberal men fit the bill of Nancy boys on the measure of, Brad Pitt and not screaming demons as seen here. ANTiFA shows us liberals do like to hide behind masks to intimidate and attack a single person backed up by a large group of thugs. How very brave of them all. You ain't nothin' without yo homeboys. —Tupac
ABC's liberal talk show makes our TDS list not for one episode of bizarre behavior and comments but several, too many to remember. That they remain on the airways is a testament to liberal mainstream media hypocrisy, spiritual bankruptcy, and desperation. Along with CNN, such behavior begs the question; just what on earth is the FCC empowered to do? Trump should put Laura Ingraham in charge of that federal wasteland. From advocating the assassination of a sitting president to facilitating sexual predators, and unsupported character attacks on anyone with a viewpoint differing from neoliberalism, The View is easily the most vile liberal program on network TV unlike anything the nation has ever seen in this opinion,
5) Drinking Toilet Water— “When I saw AOC crying in front of a chain link fence, I cried with her. And when I heard why, I ran into the all-welcome bathroom in the Pansexual Studies Department here at school (Irvine State) and started gulping toilet water. The more I drink the more it helps!” explained Natalie Prussian-Cote, a transgender person of size, as she squeezed some excess water from her goatee.
Wish I could make some of this up but reality really is stranger than fiction in Liberal Wonderland. Anything goes in such a Twilight Zone world and it would lead to a miserable ending if left to their own devices. Fortunately, they are a minority and can only make gains through some type of force. America is fighting back and winning. Since the attacks on Trump's border wall came without merit and failed, leftists then tried to go after illegal immigrant detention facilities featuring their queen, AOC among many others. Immigrant detention facility attacks proved to have even less merit than attacks on the border wall as illegal immigrant holding facilities and policies for holding them were in place long before Trump. So then, liberals have been drinking toilet water and protesting against policies of Obama, Bush, and Clinton.
Another round for all my friends! —Barfly
While the toilet water drinking story seems to have been excellent satire, it remains here incredibly funny and not all that unbelievable when considering all the bizarre TDS episodes America has witnessed so far.
—Kathy Griffin
The D-List celebrity and her horrific attempt at protest can be explained through nincompoopery of a confederate. "Being morally right is more important than being factually correct." —Alexandria Ocasio-CortezIf deciphering such liberal logic brings a smile to your face or hurts your brain then you are probably not a liberal. Some of us joke saying liberalism is a mental disease. Nevertheless, evidence keeps proving my theory that liberalism destroys the capacity for shame. People lacking a capacity for shame are necessarily prone to more and more depravity along with diminished intellect. Griffin has since rescinded her apology.
Next time I see you, remind me not to talk to you.
—Groucho Marx
3) Student hit by Car While Protesting Trump— The student, Maria Ana Carrola Flores, suffered a crushed pelvis and a fractured leg, among other injuries. The driver stopped and was released when it was determined he was not driving under the influence. 😬😬😬
Maria's college education appears not wasted as she recovered from her self-induced injuries and proceeded to file a lawsuit against her university (UCSD) for allowing her to become a human speed bump. (eventually dismissed) Seems she could have just as easily sued her parents for gross parental negligence or incompetence. 😕
Logic: The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding.
—Ambrose Bierce
2) Splash Dance With Boiling Water— Norton Percroft, feminist dance theory major at UC Irvine-- "I understand the health risks behind protesting in this manner. I do not encourage anyone to do this unless they know what could happen. I'm a professional protester and i voluntarily boiled a pot of water and poured it on my head for open borders. I suffered third degree burns and my life is miserable but it was for a good cause." 😯😯😯
Hmmm... I know readers wonder now as I do just how much a "professional protester" job pays? One must wonder if employers would be puppet masters like, George Soros or the DNC? Does the job come with a health plan? Are you paid a salary, hourly, or by the episodal act? I could see it later on a resume raising eyebrows from sane employers or perhaps giggles. Judging by this one TDS occurrence, positions must open up continuously.You are trying to understand insanity with logic. That is not unlike searching for darkness with a torch.
—Mad Hatter
#1) Self-Immolation Fail— “I was trying to set myself on fire as an act of protest,” the man told NBC Washington. “Protesting the fact that we’ve elected somebody incapable of respecting the Constitution of the United States.” 😮😮😮
Obviously, this is a case of do as I say, not as I do. Seems to describe liberalism properly and also bureaucratic parasites which are inherent to Socialism. This human Trump torch brings up many questions in light of newfound knowledge on professional protesters. Do they have a union? Where does one apply for protest jobs? Wondering if he has the rights to his burning video and are there financial offers for it? Does he know that his lifespan has been shortened? Was he even paid for flaming on or just expecting sympathetic donations?
It is entirely possible with all of the many episodes of TDS whizzing around America at almost lightspeed that I indeed have missed a few. Therefore, Trump TDS Episodes Part Two is already under construction. If you have TDS episodes I have missed and deserve a place here, please send me a message. Let's all do our part to make a better world.😉
Democrats are always happy. Democracy is a sort of laughing gas. It will not cure anything, perhaps, but it unquestionably stops the pain.
—H.L. Mencken
Protesting sexism MADtv style
Fareed Zakaria defined Trump Derangement Syndrome as "hatred of President Trump so intense that it impairs people's judgment".Liberals are Now Pouring Boiling Water on Themselves to Protest Trump's Border Wall
Man set himself on fire in protest outside Trump's DC hotel
Watch Fake Trump Supporters Get ‘Dog Walked’ in Anarchist Performance Art
Pussy Hat Project\
Jubilant LGBTQ Protestors Throw Dance Party Outside Mike Pence’s House
Court Dismisses Lawsuit from Student hit by Car While Protesting Trump
Student Hit by Car After Entering Freeway During Election Night Protests Sues UCSD
90-year-old Ethel Kennedy joins hunger strike to protest Trump's immigrant family separation policies
College meltdown: Student flips out and calls for attacks on Republicans and murder of 'fascists'
Ethel Kennedy Joins Hunger Strike In Protest of Trump's ...
Greenpeace Protesters Arrested After Hanging From Bridge; Shuting Down Section of Houston Ship Channel
Shia LaBeouf Trump protest shut down again after moving to Liverpool
Hating Trump- in 2018-The Top Five Most Incredible Liberal Media Quotes
Alyssa Milano: Why the time is right for a sex strike
Alyssa Milan calls on women to abstain from sex
Luke Crywalker
Kathy Griffin Blames Sexism, Ageism, Success for Trump’s Reaction to Her Severed-Head Photo
Kathy Griffin poses with Trump's severed head, which is a bad idea.
Ben Garrison Cartoons